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Roof fire at Delmar Elementary School
Monday, July 10, 2023

16:40hrs, Wicomico Fire Box 74-1, reported structure fire in a school. Stations 74, 2, 16, 1, 5 and 81 were alerted for a possible fire at Delmar Elementary School on S. 2nd Street.

74 Command, Engine 74-3, Truck 74-4 and Rescue 74-6 responded from Delmar. Engine 16, Engine 2 and Truck 2 responded from Salisbury. Engine 507 responded from Hebron and Tower 81 responded from Laurel.

74 Command with Deputy Chief Joyner arrived on-scene first and found a 2-story Educational Facility with smoke showing on Side C (rear) of the structure coming from the gymnasium. Engine 74-3 arrived next and established a water supply on Side A (front) of the school. Truck 74 was next to arrive on-scene and laddered Side D (right side) of the structure. Salisbury Truck 2 arrived and laddered Side A, Engine 16 secured a secondary water supply and Engine 2 supplied Truck 74 on Side D. Rescue 74 staged on Side A.

Upon investigation, units discovered a fire that started on the roof next to a HVAC duct. There was minor extension into the interior of the gymnasium. Some crews worked on the roof suppressing hot spots, while other crews handled smoke removal from the gym.

Hebron Engine 507 was diverted to provide fire stand-by at Delmar Station 74. Laurel Tower 81 was placed in service. Delmar and Salisbury units operated on-scene for approximately one hour.

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